The Collector’s Fallacy • Zettelkasten Method
The Collector’s Fallacy • Zettelkasten Method

The Collector’s Fallacy • Zettelkasten Method


Date Created
Jun 29, 2021 3:59 AM
Full Title

The Collector’s Fallacy • Zettelkasten Method

Last Edited
Jul 16, 2021 12:05 PM
Last Highlighted
June 28, 2021 11:27 PM (GMT+3)
Last Synced
June 29, 2021 6:59 AM (GMT+3)

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As knowledge workers, we’re inclined to look for the next groundbreaking thought, for intellectual stimulation: we pile up promising books and articles, and we store half the internet as bookmarks, just so we get the feeling of being on the cutting edge.

Why fallacy? Because ‘to know about something’ isn’t the same as ‘knowing something’. Just knowing about a thing is less than superficial since knowing about is merely to be certain of its existence, nothing more.

Note: Noting changes and nothing is gained until we merge this into our own knowledge.

The habit of keeping the cycle of research, reading, and knowledge assimilation short is a powerful way to circumvent our innate addiction to gather piles of stuff.