Pick Up What They Put Down: The Ultimate Hack for Learning in Public ∊ swyx.io
Pick Up What They Put Down: The Ultimate Hack for Learning in Public ∊ swyx.io

Pick Up What They Put Down: The Ultimate Hack for Learning in Public ∊ swyx.io



Date Created
Jul 6, 2021 7:37 PM
Full Title

Pick Up What They Put Down: The Ultimate Hack for Learning in Public ∊ swyx.io

Last Edited
Jul 15, 2021 9:15 PM
Last Highlighted
July 6, 2021 11:39 AM (GMT+3)
Last Synced
July 6, 2021 10:37 PM (GMT+3)
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Basically, the correct number of passive consumption is closer to 99%, and less than 1% even comment on newly created content.

In short, people are lazy. This also means you can get ahead via strategic nonlaziness. What's the strategy? Say it with me: PICK UP WHAT THEY PUT DOWN.

Trigger: Something new was created Action: "Pick it up" a.k.a you create some piece of content based on the new thing Variable Reward: You get feedback or endorsement or criticism from the creator Investment: You respond to, or internalize, the feedback so you get better the next time around. (aka "learning")