LeVar Burton’s Quest to Succeed Alex Trebek
LeVar Burton’s Quest to Succeed Alex Trebek

LeVar Burton’s Quest to Succeed Alex Trebek



Date Created
Jul 3, 2021 6:54 PM
Full Title

LeVar Burton’s Quest to Succeed Alex Trebek

Last Edited
Jul 15, 2021 9:15 PM
Last Highlighted
July 3, 2021 6:52 PM (GMT+3)
Last Synced
July 3, 2021 9:54 PM (GMT+3)
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What you do with what I put out there is your business. What I put out there is my business.

Note: Good attitude about people's roles with creative work

That which is mine, no one can take away. That which is not meant for me, no amount of wishing or stamping my feet will make it so.

When you say your life has been for a specific purpose, can you articulate what that purpose is? Healing through storytelling. Bringing joy through storytelling. Bringing information, education, enlightenment through storytelling. That’s why I’m here.

Note: God, I would love for this to be my answer to this question in twenty years