Let’s Show Some Love for the Ten Best Dads in Superhero TV and Movies
Let’s Show Some Love for the Ten Best Dads in Superhero TV and Movies

Let’s Show Some Love for the Ten Best Dads in Superhero TV and Movies



Date Created
Jun 23, 2021 5:27 PM
Full Title

Let’s Show Some Love for the Ten Best Dads in Superhero TV and Movies

Last Edited
Jul 15, 2021 9:15 PM
Last Highlighted
June 23, 2021 11:16 AM (GMT+3)
Last Synced
June 23, 2021 8:27 PM (GMT+3)
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“I see this spark in you—it’s amazing, it’s why I push you. But it’s yours. Whatever you choose to do, you’ll be great.” In that one scene, Jefferson captures both the joy and pain of being a father. It can hurt to love someone so much, to see greatness in them that no one else sees, not even the child themselves. And yet, it’s the most exciting and humbling thing in the world to know that you get the responsibility of helping that person make their own way in the world.