How to Make Money by Getting Everyone to Hate You ❧ Current Affairs
How to Make Money by Getting Everyone to Hate You ❧ Current Affairs

How to Make Money by Getting Everyone to Hate You ❧ Current Affairs


Date Created
Jun 23, 2021 5:27 PM
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How to Make Money by Getting Everyone to Hate You ❧ Current Affairs

Last Edited
Jul 15, 2021 9:15 PM
Last Highlighted
June 23, 2021 10:49 AM (GMT+3)
Last Synced
June 23, 2021 8:27 PM (GMT+3)
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Dissenting views are crushed by mobs, which is why Piers Morgan is currently serving a stretch in a reeducation camp… oh wait, no, he has a best-selling book and is about to appear in an exclusive interview with Sean Hannity on America’s most-watched cable news network.

Say things specifically calculated to irritate people.When they are irritated and say so, accuse them of trying to “cancel” you.Hurl insults at them, and when they hurl insults back, tut at their rudeness and lament the decline of civil discourse. Write a best-selling book about how free speech is dead.

I once tried to devise a sentence that would capture the essence of the problem with every anti-political correctness commentator. The one I came up with was this: “Why can’t these noisy morons be polite and listen?” he shouted with his fingers in his ears.

The first rule of complainers about cancel culture is that they plead for civility and reasonableness while being distinctly uncivil and unreasonable themselves.

you don’t need to make an argument when you can just call your prejudices common sense.

Of course, there are plenty of small incidents of “political correctness gone mad” that one can gather to make out a brief for the absurdity of the Woke Left.

Note: Usually less "Woke Left has gone too far" and more "corporations and celebrities have too much power and we give them too much attention."

Whipping up fear of a “mob” that is coming for the reasonable people, and telling people that they are the reasonable ones but will soon find themselves being hounded out of public life is, as Morgan says, a recipe for manipulating the public.